marți, 20 august 2013

Bathroom jokes

Inside every person, there is a little joker who likes to have a good laugh at other people’s misfortune. We’re not talking about serious harm, we’re talking about little pranks that bring laughs and enjoyment to people’s lives. At we love Bathroom pranks, because this is where people are most vulnerable and unsuspecting. In many of these situations, we are often faced with situations where we can’t stop laughing at someone’s angry or surprising experiences. The best example of this type of situation is moments in bathroom stalls –pants around our ankles, super vulnerable and trusting to that little lock on the door. The funny ideas and writing we see on bathroom doors keep us entertained, and may make us laugh, seeking to distract us from thinking that we may be the victim to some Practical Jokes ! Let’s talk about some funny things you can while in the stalls. 1. When you hear a fart or other noises while waiting in the bathroom stall, you can make fun of it by clapping loudly. 2. Keep a marble with you and drop it whenever someone bangs at your door and say out loudly “oh-ho!! I dropped my glass eye!!” 3. When someone knocks at your door, grunt loudly and continuously for a minimum of 30 seconds and then dropping a marble or paper towel ball into the toilet bowl and relax by sighing heavily. 4. Keep a peanut butter bottle with you. Apply it on the tissue paper and roll it into a ball and throw it into your neighbor stall and ask him to pass it. 5. Take a warm Snickers chocolate bar with you. Crush it in our hands and put your hand under the stall into your neighbor’s one and ask him for extra paper towels. 6. Play peek-a- boo with your neighbor in the bathroom by placing a small mirror under the stall.

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